Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ya know what?

I'm going to grumble here.  There will be no rhyme nor reason to my posting style, however there may be rhymes and reasons within the post.  I will write down what I am thinking, planning, or doing.  I will write stream of consciousness, I will philosophize, mathemetize, economize, maximize, minimize- a lot of different topics.

I am interested in nearly everything (which I deem useful, as having a practical use in daily life or can be a resource developed to make everyone's life easier), so there will be much to explore.  (Rereading this I realize I am interested in USELESS things as well.  So we'll see how I rationalize an interest in something and how I deem it useful from potential connections to everything else) PS anyone ever see the old series "Connections"?  Fantastic way of showing how technologies have evolved and are linked.

I will keep you up to date on my various projects- green energy mad science, indoor farming, musical endeavors, political opinions, the furthering of my own education, etc.

So while I may come back to the previous post and conclude it like I have planned, I'm just going to let it rot right now.  I've got four online courses which have started,  several of which will require me to be doing much reading and writing, as well as physically working on projects (music recording).

I am looking forward to the writing.  I have been enjoying it much more lately, and this blog is evidence that Im pursueing an active writing medium of my own volition.  Maybe someone will even read it.  (I haven't posted this on facebook yet, I feel like there needs to be a good chunk of materials here before I begin to broadcast my web presence)

That being said, I have some rough drafts of some posts lying around that would be a good read- I'll get them up soon.

Also I saw this NJN special on fractals last night with my dad, and it was amazing!  I've never studied fractals before, but they will solve everything, probably.  This will be a topic I need to study and read about much more in the future.

I wonder if we can apply fractal principles to economics?  The whole episode was brilliant, and at this point all I can say on the subject is this:  Very interesting...

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