Thursday, September 27, 2012

DDT, Silent Hero

Here is an excellent article from Robert Zubrin (adapted from the Merchants of Despair):

In it he reviews a brief history of DDT, and how it came to be a player on the world health scene.  Then he takes a look at the movement which sprang from "Silent Spring", and why all the claims made in the book were false.

Carson wrote her book with some very strong claims which the science did not back up.  A newly created EPA did an extensive investigation into the DDT substance, and a federal judge found it to be a sound resource and should remain available for private use.

The head of the EPA disregarded everything from the investigation and ruling, and made it illegal anyway.  As a result, countless millions have died from malaria and other pest-carried diseases.

Much like the anthropogenic global warming debacle, this movement is based on bad science- and needs to be called out and corrected at every turn.